Mikhail Varfolomeev, the head of the Department of Development and Operation of Hard-to-Recover Hydrocarbon Reservoir of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies and the supervisor of the Strategic academic unit “Ecooil” research area of KFU visited Oman at the invitation of the Ministry of Oil and Gas and Sultan Kabus University.
The oil and gas industry of the state of Oman is increasingly facing with the problems of hard-to-recover reserves and complicated deposits. During the round table talk attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Oil and Gas of Oman and the managers of the leading oil and gas companies of the region (Petroleum Development Oman, Occidental Petroleum Corporation, Oman Oil Company Exploration& Production LLC, Daleel Petroleum LLC ,etc.) there was a discussion of the production problems and search for alternative solutions to them. Mikhail Varfolomeev presented the developments of the scientists of Kazan Federal University in the fields of oil production, refining and petrochemistry. Particular attention was paid to the in-situ combustion technologies, the use of catalysts for in-situ combustion and steam injection, as well as the use of polymers and surfactants to enhance oil recovery. The prospects for cooperation between Kazan Federal University and the largest enterprises of the industry were also discussed.
Afterwards, there was a meeting with the heads of the Office for Enhanced Oil Recovery in the office of Petroleum Development Oman company, the largest oil exploration and production company in Oman, during which the laboratory base of KFU was presented, as well as the“Ecooil” educational programs and the programs of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies. Representatives of the company showed interest in graduate and postgraduate programs, as well as advanced training at the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing of IGPT KFU .
Tripartite agreement between Kazan Federal University, Sultan Kabus University and Oman Petroleum Development company on the development of surfactants to improve the efficiency of oil production was also negotiated. Joint development works and optimization of chemical compounds , as well as their approbation in the fields of Oman were also planned . In addition, it was decided to organize a dual degree program in the framework of the magistrature, as well as the student exchange in the framework of summer internship.